2018年6月四级试卷解析 您所在的位置:网站首页 翻译owing to 2018年6月四级试卷解析


2023-12-26 05:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


  Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)




  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of reading ability and how to develop it。 You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words。

  College life opens a new chapter for students。 As we enter the new stage, it is impossible for us to ignore some basic abilities needed in college。 Reading ability, from where I stand, is the most significant one among them。

  Why, you may wonder, should we attach great importance to reading ability? For one thing, in order to make outstanding achievements in the field of our study, students have to read hosts of books, papers and documents related to professional knowledge。 For this reason, extensive and efficient reading becomes particularly important。 For another, reading broadens our horizon and enriches our campus life, which will exert profound influence on our future。 Therefore, we, especially youngsters, cannot emphasize reading ability too much。

  Since reading ability plays a pivotal role in our daily life, it is high time that colleges should provide students with relative courses to enhance their reading skills。 Meanwhile, it is imperative that we actively pay frequent visit to the libraries or bookstores to cultivate our reading competence。 As Francis Bacon once said, reading makes a full man。 Only through reading can we acquire more knowledge and live up to the precious time of youth。

  PartⅡ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)



  News Report1: 漂流瓶被发现并归还



  News Report2:蜜蜂死了

  Q3:spring operation的原因?寨卡病毒

  Q4:关于Flower Town Bee Farm说了什么?被毁,损失巨大(2.5M bees)

  News Report3: 世界最大的飞机首航

  Q5:关于第一次飞行?大约2小时,卡灵顿起飞,高度3000feet,一系列gentle turns

  Q6:为什么US government不用飞机做spy?预算砍了

  Q7:优势over huge jet planes?可以装heavier loads

  Long Conversation1:

  出门活动:1。看电影,气候变化的电影,女的不喜欢;2。西班牙dance,时间来不及;3.comedy 评论家觉得好看/4。最终决定明天去看dance

  Q8:女的关于climate change什么看法




  Long Conversation2:












  美国的highway system,one of the best in the world,early1920s;national defence,move troops;1944国会通过升级提案但没给钱;1950s开始建;要足够高能让trailer携带飞弹通过;1974大部分完成

  Q19:作者说highway system如何

  Q20:建highway system最初目的是什么



  开车发短信,美国年轻人,major cause of death;smart wheel;检查是否始终双手握方向盘,有声音和灯提示两手未握方向盘,恢复后停止;APP家长可以知道孩子的开车情况

  Q22:年轻人road death 的主要原因

  Q23:什么是smart wheel



  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)



  Section A

  Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks。 You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage。 Read the passage through carefully before making your choices。 Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter。 Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre。 You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once。

  Since the 1940s,southern California has had a reputation for smog。 Things are not as bad as they once were but, according to the American Lung Association, Los Angeles is still the worst city in the United States for levels of 26 。Gazing down on the city from the Getty Center, an art museum in the Santa Monica Mountains, one would find the view of the Pacific Ocean blurred by the haze(霾)。Nor is the state’s bad air 27 to its south。 Fresno, in the central valley, comes top of the list in America for year-round pollution。 Residents’ hearts and lungs are affected as a 28 。

  All of which, combined with California’s reputation as the home of technological 29 ,makes the place ideal for developing and testing systems designed to monitor pollution in 30 。And that is just what Aclima, a new firm in San Francisco, has been doing over the past few months。 It has been trying out monitoring that are 31 to yield minute-to-minute maps of 32 air pollution。 Such stations will also be able to keep an eye on what is happening inside buildings, including offices。

  To this end, Aclima has been 33 with Google’s Street View system。 Davida Herzl, Aclima’s boss, says they have revealed pollution highs on days when San Francisco’s transit workers went on strike and the city’s 34 were forced to use their cars。 Conversely, “cycle to work” days have done their job by 35 pollution lows。

  26。 M pollutants

  27。 N restricted

  28。 C consequence

  29。 J innovation

  30。 F detail

  31。 K intended

  32。 L outdoor

  33。 B collaborating

  34。 I inhabitants

  35。 E creating

  26。 答案M


  27。 答案N

  解析:固定搭配be restricted to,表示“仅限于…,限制在…”。

  28。 答案C

  解析:空前不定冠词,空格填名词,固定搭配as a consequence,表示“因此”。

  29。 答案J


  30。 答案F

  解析:空前介词,空格填名词,固定搭配in detail,表示“详细地”。

  31。 答案K

  解析:固定搭配be intended to,表示“打算,意图”。

  32。 答案L


  33。 答案B

  解析:结合时态和固定搭配collaborate with,表示“合作”。

  34。 答案I


  35。 答案E


  Section C


  Directions: There are 2 passages in this section。 Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements。 For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D)。 You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2with a single line through the centre。

  Passage One

  Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage。

  46.A Not all of them are symptoms of dementia。

  解析:找到关键词 memory slips。对应到文章第一段But if you have memory slips, you probably needn’t worry。 There are pretty clear differences between signs of dementia and age-related memory loss。结合题干和原文可知,记忆的小错误并非全是痴呆的症状,而可能是由于年龄大。symptoms和signs为同义替换。顾答案选择A。

  47。 C Communication within our brain weakens。

  解析:根据顺序原则对应文章定位句是Changes in brain cells can affect communication between different regions of the brain。 答案与定位句同义,顾答案C。

  48。 A Totally forgetting how to do one’s daily routines。

  解析:题干关键词,memory-related symptom以及take seriously。定位到But if you forget the plot of the movie or don’t remember even seeing it, that’s far more concerning, Daffner says。关键点在far more concerning故答案选择A。

  49。 A Check the brain’s cognitive reserve。

  解析:题干关键词为signs of memory loss。定位到倒数第二段第一句话Defense against memory loss is to try to prevent it by building up your brain’s cognitive (认知的) reserve, Daffner says。故答案为A。

  50。 D Staying active both physically and mentally。

  解析:题干关键词Dr Daffner’s advice ,memory loss。定位到文章最后一句。Dr Daffner’s adviceIn other words, keep your brain busy and working。 And also get physically active, because exercise is a known brain booster。


  Passage One

  Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage。

  46。 B) Add to their sustained happiness。

  解析:根据关键词“one study”定位到第一段 ,“Living in an urban area with green spaces has a long-lasting positive impact on people’s mental well-being, a study has suggested, UK researchers found moving to a green space had a sustained positive effect,” 选项B中的 sustained 原文重现,happiness是“well-being”的同义转化。

  47。 A) Earn more money。

  解析: 根据关键词“Dr。 White”和“happier”定位第一段,以及代词“he”代指Dr。 White,“There could be a number of reasons。” he said, “for example, people do many things to make themselves happier; they strive for promotion or pay rises, or they get married。” 选项“earn money”是对原文“pay rises”是同义转换。

  48。 C) How long its positive effect lasts。

  解析:根据关键词“Dr。 White”和“find out”定位第二段 “Dr。 White said his team wanted to see whether living in greener urban areas has a lasting positive effect on people’s sense of well-being or whether the effect also disappeared after a period of time。 ” 选项“positive effect lasts。” 是对原文中的lasting positive effect的同义转化。

  49。 D) Their communication with others improved。

  解析:根据关键词“Dr。 White”和“reveal about ”定位第三段,“Explaining what the data revealed, ……He observed that people living in green spaces were less stressed, and less sensible decisions and communicated better。”选项D即对最后communicated better的同义转化。

  50。 A) Find financial support。

  解析:根据关键词“government”定位最后一段“Dr。 White said, “There’s growing interest among public policy officials, but the trouble is who funds it。 ”强调的“fund”即指“financial support”,A项正确。

  Passage Two

  Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage。

  51。 C) They all experienced terrible misfortunes。

  解析:题干关键词the three Olympic class ships。根据顺序原则回原文定位到第一段最后一句话 “All in all, the Olympic class ships were marvels of sea engineering, but they seemed cursed to suffer disastrous fates。”重点在but转折后,文意这三艘船似乎都被诅咒遭遇遭遇灾难性的命运。顾答案选择C.terrible misfortunes是 disastrous fates的同义转换。

  52。 B) The utmost comfort passengers could enjoy。

  解析:题干大意白星航运公司在购买三艘船时考虑到了什么?定位句:“White Star Line decided to focus on marking them the most luxurious ships on the water。”想要他们成为水上最奢华的船。据此答案选择B。

  53。 A) It was a mere piece of decoration。

  解析:根据关键词 the fourth stack of the ships。定位到“but the fourth stack was actually just artistic in nature and served no functional purpose。 ”文意第四个栈有艺术感但是没有任何功能性的用途。顾答案选择A。

  54。 A) Their unscientific designs。

  解析:题干大意是什么可能导致了Titanic和Britannic的悲剧。定位到原文 “they were all designed with double hulls (船体) believed to make them “unsinkable”, perhaps a mistaken idea that led to the Titanic‘s and the Britannic’s tragic end。”顾选择A

  55。 D) She was retired after her naval service。

  解析:问题奥林匹克船最后发生了什么。定位句“Eventually, she was taken out of service in 1935。”taken out of service和retired 同义词转换,故此选择D。

  Part Ⅲ Translation (30 minutes)


  与最近几年的四级翻译真题相比,这次的翻译真题难度较低,主要表现在两方面:第一,翻译原题中词汇难度较小;第二,翻译原题中句式较为简单。据此,对于备考四级的同学来说,了解汉语和英语在句式、标点等方面的基本异同,是学习汉译英、成功应对四级翻译的基本步骤。当然,如果希望在四级翻译中拿到高分,则需要不断积累和丰富英语词汇,特别是积累一些极具中国特色的词汇的英译方法,如“外来务工人员”(migrant workers),“生活水平的提高”(the improvement of living standards)等等。



  It was unimaginable for most Chinese people to travel by plane in the past。 However, at present, with the development in economy and the improvement in living standards, an increasing number of Chinese people, including farmers and migrant workers, choose to travel by plane because they can fly to all the major cities in China。 In the meanwhile, many other cities tend to prepare to build airports。 The service of airlines has been constantly improved, and air tickets are often available at a special discount。 As a result, there has been a constant rise in the number of tourists who travel by plane during holidays in recent years。





  这句可用句型… was hard to imagine 或者 It was unimaginable for sb to do

  “乘飞机出行”可地道地译为travel by aeroplane, 当然,by plane也是没问题的。


  (1)Traveling by aeroplane was hard to imagine for most Chinese in the past。

  (2)It was unimaginable for most Chinese to travel by aeroplane in the past。

  鉴于形式主语It is adj。 for sb to do的句型更高级,所以推荐译文(2)。



  词汇:生活水平:living standards

  农民:farmers 注:不能译为peasants(peasant指未受过教育的、粗俗的农民)

  外出务工人员:migrant workers


  “包括 A and B”用介词短语“including A and B”处理。

  “越来越多的”第一种简单译法:more and more; 第二种表达“an increasing number of”,推荐用第二种。


  At present, with the development in economy and the improvement in living standards, an increasing number of Chinese people, including farmers and migrant workers, choose to travel by plane。

  若不会词汇“外出务工人员”,可灵活处理为后置定语,”外出务工的”解释为“在外面工作的”,处理成定语从句,该短语译成“people who work outside/ in other cities”





  大城市 major cities

  筹建(筹备建设):prepare to build

  “乘飞机到达”可译为take the plane to reach… 或者 reach… by plane

  正在筹建机场的“城市”相对于已经有机场的“大城市”而言,是相对较小的城市,翻译时可具体化,译为:minor cities



  They can take the plane to reach all the major cities in China。 In the meanwhile, many minor cities tend to prepare to build airports。




  航空服务 the service of airlines

  特价机票 air tickets at a discount

  The service of airlines has been constantly improved, and air tickets are often available at a discount。


  “会有特价机票”也可处理为被动句:air tickets at a discount are offered。




  可以用主谓句型 或者 there be句型。



  不断增加: constantly rise[v。] 或者 a constant rise[n。]


  (1)The number of tourists who travel by plane during the holidays has been constantly rising in recent years。

  (2) There has been a constant rise in the number of tourists who travel by plane during the holidays in recent years。

  鉴于there be的句型在此处更加灵活,所以推荐译文(2)。


  分数段分布 具体翻译表现

  13-15分 译文准确表达了原文的意思。用词贴切,行文流畅,基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。

  10-12分 译文基本上表达了原文的意思。文字通顺、连贯,无重大语言错误。

  7-9分 译文勉强表达了原文的意思。用词欠准确,语言错误相当多,其中有些是严重语言错误。

  4-6分 译文仅表达了一小部分原文的意思。用词不准确,有相当多的严重语言错误。

  1-3分 译文支离破碎。除个别词语或句子,绝大部分文字没有表达原文意思。

  0分 未作答,或只有几个孤立的词,或译文与原文毫不相关。



  Traveling by plane was hard to imagine for most Chinese in the past。 At present, more and more Chinese people, including farmers and workers, choose to travel by plane。 They can take the plane to go to all large cities in China, and many other cities are preparing to build airports。 The service has been improved, and discounted tickets are offered。 In recent years, the number of people who travel by plane during the holidays has been increasing。




  For Chinese people, the bus used to be the major means of transport。 Owing to the constant rise in the number of private cars in recent years, traffic problems in cities have accordingly become more and more severe。 Many cities have been making efforts to improve the service of public transport so as to encourage more people to travel by bus。 Thanks to the updating of facilities in the vehicle, its speed has been obviously increased。 However, the fare of the public transport is relatively low。 At present, in most cities, many senior citizens in local areas can take the bus for free。


  Taking bus used to be the primary choice to travel for most Chinese people。 In recent years, the problem of traffic in cities is getting serious with the constantly-increasing number of private vehicles。 In many cities, services on buses have been improved with effort to get more people encouraged to take buses。 The facilities are continuously updated and the speed of buses has also been increased greatly。 However, by contrast, the ticket price is quite low。 Now, in most big cities, most of local senior citizens are allowed to take buses for free。





  词汇:主要交通工具:the major means of transport


  全句翻译:For Chinese people, the bus used to be the major means of transport。



  这句话“由于”两个字,为原因状语,用A of B的结构翻译;主句“城市的交通问题越来越严重”用more and more结构。此句“近年来”作为时间状语,放到句子主干最后,如果放在句首一定要用逗号隔开。

  词汇:私家车:private cars

  词汇:不断增多:constant rise

  全句翻译:Owing to the constant rise in the number of private cars in recent years, traffic problems in cities have accordingly become more and more severe。






  词汇:努力:try to/make efforts

  全句翻译:Many cities have been making efforts to improve the service of public transport so as to encourage more people to travel by bus。



  这句话要注意两句简单句的串联,两句呈因果关系。“车辆的设施不断更新”用A of B结构表达。




  全句翻译:Thanks to the updating of facilities in the vehicle, its speed has been obviously increased。






  全句翻译:However, the fare of the public transport is relatively low compared with that of private cars。




  词汇:当地老年市民:senior/old/elderly citizens in the local areas

  词汇:免费:free of charge/free

  全句翻译:At present, in most of the cities, many senior citizens in the local areas can take the bus free of charge。


  分数段分布 具体翻译表现

  13-15分 译文准确表达了原文的意思。用词贴切,行文流畅,基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。

  10-12分 译文基本上表达了原文的意思。文字通顺、连贯,无重大语言错误。

  7-9分 译文勉强表达了原文的意思。用词欠准确,语言错误相当多,其中有些是严重语言错误。

  4-6分 译文仅表达了一小部分原文的意思。用词不准确,有相当多的严重语言错误。

  1-3分 译文支离破碎。除个别词语或句子,绝大部分文字没有表达原文意思。

  0分 未作答,或只有几个孤立的词,或译文与原文毫不相关。


  Buses used to be the main vehicle for Chinese people。 In recent years, due to the increasing number of private cars, the traffic problems in cities have become more and more serious。 In order to encourage more people to travel by bus, many cities have tried to improve the service quality of buses。 The vehicles are increasingly updated and the speed of the vehicles is also increased。 However, the price is still quite low。 Nowadays, in most cities, many old people can take buses for free。




  写作组:王雅洁,印含洋 听力组:马迅,陈瑾,管丽君 阅读组:姜颖,孙悦,吴紫芯 翻译组:雷彤,黄紫晶,王玲燕老师






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